Sacred Destination Mythology
Prepare a presentation about a sacred place in mythology; for example, the Oracle at Delphi or the Mahabodhi Temple. This place may or may not currently exist. Imagine this presentation is like a travel guidebookletting someone from outside of the culture know what he or she should expect to find if they were to visit the mythical place. Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. The use of images is encouraged. Ensure you include: An explanation of the mythological origins, history, and functions of the place A description of any sacred objects and attributes associated with the deities and mythological origins of this place and the symbolism of these objects as used by contemporary people and cultures For example, Apollo’s snake and lyre or Buddha’s bodhi tree A comparison of this place to those that serve similar functions in other cultures For example, mountaintops, temples, burial sites or memorials, and so on An explanation of the relevance of this place and these objects in contemporary cultureconsider the following questions: What significance do these places or things hold in the minds and emotions of the people? How do these places or things connect to mythological stories from that culture? What is the role of place and the associated objects? A list of the most important facts to know about the surrounding culture, such as: Etiquette and dress to follow when visiting What these facts tell us about the culture that gave rise to the myth Format your images, citations, and references according to APA guidelines.