Rural Special Education
An annotated bibliography on 6 qualitative and 2 quantitative rural peer reviewed articles Create an annotated bibliography on a rural topic of interest (rural education, rural leadership, rural higher education, rural organizations, etc.). This assignment is one that you can use not only in this course, but it may serve as a good resource for your future dissertation. In this annotated bibliography, you will choose peer-reviewed journal articles that report on qualitative research studies. Six qualitative and two quantitative studies published in peer-reviewed journals must be annotated. The annotation will begin with the article citation in APA format. The first paragraph after the citation will summarize the content of the article. Items to include are: 1. What was the central theme of the study? 2. What were the research questions? 3. What research method was employed? 4. Who were the participants? 5. What instrument was used? 6. How and what kind of data were collected? 7. What analyses were used for analyzing the data? 8. and What were the conclusions? The second paragraph will provide an evaluation of the research studys overall quality and usefulness. 1. Discuss the strengths and the limitations. Be sure to support your opinions with evidence from the article. 2. Also evaluate the studys methods and conclusions.