Remote-Working or Teleworking
Instructions: **Please note that this is a Power Point Presentation. Essay Pro said to put it in as 6 pages, because each page of 275 words equals 2 Power Point presentation slides** See note from essay pro ( Based on our policy, one standard page (275 words, double-spaced) equals two PowerPoint slides. So, if you need a 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation, it will equal the price of a 6 page paper.) Create a persuasive presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint arguing that employees should remote-work (telework). The presentation should seek to persuade someone in the value of this HR topic. The student should assume the role of an HR consultant and put together the presentation in a way so as to try to convince the executive team members (i.e. Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, etc.) as to the value/importance of the topic and the reasons the topic should be implemented or embraced in an organization. Slide shows should be 12 slides long including the intro slides and summary slides. APA citations and sources are not required for this assignment. You can be creative and imaginative with your design (but you must keep it in PowerPoint). You can be creative and imaginative with the organization you are presenting as well. You can be creative and imaginative with the situation you are addressing in the organization. The slide show should include the following: >Slide introducing the speaker (the student). >Slide(s) introducing and explaining the basics of the topic, i.e. what is it, why do we need to do it, what problems does it solve, what are the alternatives, etc. All of these do not need to be addressed, these are just ideas of what could be included. >Slide(s) containing 4-5 pros of implementing or embracing the value/importance of remote-working or teleworking. >Slide(s) at least 2 cons of implementing or embracing remote-working or teleworking, along with a suggested way for an organization to overcome, or at least minimize, the impact of the con. >Slide(s) that explain how an organization could or should implement or embrace remote-working or teleworking. What it would look like in practice in an organization. >A conclusion slide which includes a ‘call to action’ for an organization. In other words, this slide should wrap up your presentation and ask the organization to accept your recommendations. **Below is what was APPROVED as the persuasive presentation idea for this power point** As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, many people are realizing they prefer working from home to traveling to an office every day. Businesses have implemented a remote-work policy where applicable to maintain productivity. And businesses could benefit from not going back to the old way of doing things. The pros and cons below are examples that can be used. Arguments supporting(pros) teleworking. 1. Employees waste less time commuting. 2. Employees would be more productive. 3. Happier employees. Less likely to quit. 4. Not limited to location when hiring new employees. 5. Could increase employee loyalty. 6. Employees will take fewer sick days. 7. Employees will work longer on a day-to-day basis. Arguments against(cons) teleworking. 1. Risk of overworking 2. Distractions at home 3. Workplace disconnect 4. Disproportionate work-life balance