Rehabilitation Assessment
Unit 2 B A test that has not been validated or normed for minority consumers is used as part of the agency’s battery for employment-predictive purposes. When you challenge the evaluation supervisor on this issue, he replies, “That measure has not been proven to be biased. The agency expects you to use this test, and we do have other methods that you can use that will provide information on employability.” Is this ethical? Professional? Unit 9 A What is your position regarding the need for vocational evaluators to conduct an assessment of personality functioning. Unit 9 B The consumer is apparently quite angry over the sudden onset of a crippling, physical disability. How would you go about measuring this anger, and is such measurement even necessary or possible? Unit 9 C In personality functioning, there are many positive and negative stereotypes of personality behaviors for African American and Asian men and women. What are some of these positive and negative stereotypes and how are they facilitative or detrimental to accurate personality assessment? Unit 9 D How can an assessment situation be created so that personality assessment is an empowering experience for the consumer with a disability? Unit 10 A Standardized measurement for learning styles may not be readily available. What are other ways to explore a consumer’s learning style? Unit 10 B What is your dominant learning style? Are you more of a visual, auditory, or hands-on learner, and have you been able to use your dominant learning style in new situations requiring a rapid retention of information? Unit 10 C Multiple aptitudes are usually required for successful performance in a particular employment area. Your 33 year-old consumer is interested in a promotional job with a large record company. He has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis that is now in remission. Identify the aptitude required for successful performance of this job. Please ensure that each question is labeled and titled with unit and section letter separately. Pages for each Unit will be attached.