Really Long Distance
(Phone booth in the countryside with man standing next to it) 1. Now you are in for a real treat, but you need to be in a quiet place or with good headphones. This is an episode of the amazing podcast/radio show This American Life called “Really Long Distance.” It takes 22 minutes (make sure you scroll down and click on Act One “Really Long Distance”! Skip the Prologue and Act Two, unless you want to listen for an hour) and is slow but powerful. Be patient. Listen carefully. See what you think! Click here to listen! (Links to an external site.) (When you get to the site, scroll down to Act One and click the little play button/triangle to start it playing) 2. After you listen, return to this page. Click “Submit Assignment.” 3. Write a “Summary” paragraph which begins “Really Long Distance” is about… (5-7 sentences, telling what it’s about…No opinions or analysis, just a summary). 4. Below that, write a “Response” paragraph which is a Steadman Paragraph! So A summary and response stteadman paragraph.