Reading Responses
I have attached a file that has my writing and URL for the article. Please read the article and rewrite each reading response with 400 words each. There are 4 reading responses and need to be rewritten. The following instruction is below: Details Your reading responses should show that youve thought deeply about the readings youve chosen. You have plenty of freedom in shaping your writing to match the concepts, issues, and experiences that you find meaningful. As a helpful starting place, these are a few guidelines you may use as you plan and compose your reading responses. Summary. Provide a short overview of the main points and purpose of the reading. How do you understand the authors or authors main claim(s)? Why was this piece created and what does it aim to accomplish? Application. Think about how the reading could be useful in real life, outside of reading it for class. How have you seen the principles or concepts from this piece at work in your own experience, or how might you imagine they would work? What other connections do you see between the principles or theories in this piece and your own experience, your work, or the kinds of work that you are familiar with? Critique. Engage in a critical discussion using some aspect of the chapter or article that prompts you to agree or disagree with the authors perspectives or claims. Why do you agree or disagree with the claims this reading is making? What evidence or reasoning can you bring in to support your side? Quotation and reflection. Identify a quoted passage (or a few short passages) from the piece that stands out to you and/or elicits in you some type of emotional response. Include a few lines explaining why the quoted section(s) feel(s) so meaningful for you. Noticing the remarkable. Describe or point to any else that surprised or delighted you about the piece. Did you learn something you had never thought about before? Was there a particularly fascinating data point or conclusion drawn? Asking questions. Share any questions or concerns that this piece raises in your mind. What do you wish you understood more clearly? What issues or concepts might you want to think or wonder more deeply about? It isnt required that you do all six of these for each response, but youll likely include at least two or three. For example, you may decide to summarize and critique one of the readings, with a few questions at the end of your post. For the next reading, you may decide to quote a significant passage and respond to that quote with your own thoughts or a connection you see between your own experience and the articles main points.