Qualitative Methodologies
Instructions: For your initial post, choose two articles that use a qualitative research method to answer a research question on your topic of interest. Remember that qualitative research is exploratory in nature, and is used to go deeper into issues of interest and explore nuances related to the problem at hand. Common data collection methods used in qualitative research include group discussions, focus groups, in-depth interviews, and uninterrupted observations. Data analysis typically involves identifying themes or categories, or providing in- depth descriptions of the data. Use the Anderson (2006) and Lee (1992) articles to obtain a better understanding of what qualitative research includes. Briefly describe the particular qualitative research approach/methodology utilized in each of the two articles you selected (e.g. case study, ethnographic study, phenomenological study, etc.). Refer to the weeks readings (or recommended articles) to help you explain. Compare and contrast the two qualitative methods used: What is the same and what is different and why? Does either methods seem a good fit to explore your topic of interest? Why/why not?