Psychosocial Development Chart
For this assignment, watch three episodes of three different television shows that include children and/or adolescents (recommend a mix one with children, one with teens, one with both). You are to construct a chart of psychosocial development you witness in the episodes; this could include (but is not limited to) issues of identity, gender, self-esteem, personality, and relationships. Construct a chart that includes the name of the show, the names of the appropriate characters (children and teens only), and the issues observed. Then, write a short reflection paper that connects what you have witnessed in the episodes to the course materials and theories of psychosocial development. You are welcome to watch TV provided in the Academic Video Online database hosted in the NCU library. To access this database, launch the NCU Library. Next, select Research Resources in the main navigation bar and click on Find a Video. Select Academic Video Online: Premium from the database list. This will allow you to watch TV contained in this online resource for free. Length: 1 page for the chart, and 2-3 pages for the reflection, not including title and reference pages References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.