Psycho-dynamic Comparative Essay
select two theorists and write a paper comparing/contrasting the following: How the theory discusses the development of ones personality throughout childhood How the theory discusses the development and/or stability of ones personality throughout adulthood and older age How the theory accounts for ones overall behavior and demeanor why do we do the things we do? How personality is objectively measured within the scope of the theory Any other critical tenets of the theories You must select the two theorists from different categories (i.e. choosing Erikson and Bandura) and cannot use two theorists from the same category (i.e. Freud and Adler). Each paper should include: An overview of both theories, answering the above questions (3-4 pages total) An analysis of the similarities and differences of each theories (2-3 pages) Your opinion on which of the two theories is the most accurate representation of the human personality, and why (1-2 pages) The length of your paper will vary depending on the theories you choose and the literature available to you for these theories but should be a minimum of 6 pages. You must use AT LEAST four peer-reviewed journal articles (two per theory) to receive full credit, and cannot complete this paper using solely the textbook; you may utilize the textbook to supplement your responses, but should not be using the book to complete the bulk of your paper. Standard APA formatting is expected. Your paper should have a 12pt font, be double spaced, include a title page and reference page (that does not count towards the minimum 6 pages), and be grammatically correct. Psychodynamic Theories Freud Psychoanalysis Adler Individual Psychology Jung Analytical Psychology Klein Object Relations Theory Horney Psychoanalytic Social Theory Erikson Post-Freudian Theory Humanistic/Existential Theories Fromm Humanistic Psychoanalysis Maslow Holistic-Dynamic Theory Rogers Person-Centered Theory May Existential Psychology Dispositional Theories Allport Psychology of the Individual McCrae & Costas Five-Factor Trait Theory Biological/Evolutionary Theories Eysencks Biologically Based Factor Theory Buss Evolutionary Theory of Personality Learning-Cognitive Theories Skinner Behavioral Analysis Bandura Social-Cognitive Theory Rotter & Mischel Cognitive Social Learning Theory Kelly Psychology of Personal Constructs