Product Brand Story and Marketing Concepts
Select a product of your choice and write a story about that product. Do not pick any apple products. Example of products: Samsung Galaxy, Toyota Camry, Jaguar XF. Discuss the life story of the product using different marketing concepts in the course. Grading will be done based on how a student integrates concepts more than the length of the report. MAX length of the report 2000 words. Here is every marketing topic covered in the course for reference: Importance and scope of Marketing Core Marketing Concepts New Marketing Realities Holistic Marketing Philosophy Affect of Marketing on Customer Value Strategic Marketing Planning Components of Marketing Plan 2. Demand States 3. New Marketing Realities 4. Holistic Marketing Decisions 5. Marketing and Customer Value 6. Marketing Plan 7. Product Orientation v/s Market Orientation Forecasting Scope of Marketing Research Steps in Marketing Research Metrics for Measuring Marketing Productivity Segmenting Markets Consumer Segmentation vs Business Segmentation Requirements of Effective Segmentation Different Levels of Market Segmentation Concepts of Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty Lifetime Value Customer Management Consumer Behavior Buying Decision Process B2B Buying Behavior Institutional and Government Buyers International Markets Difference of Global in Marketing Brand Positioning Brand Differentiation Approaches of Positioning Differences between Small and Big Businesses Value of Brands Measurement of Brand Equity Difference between Brand, Customer and Store Equity New product development Product life cycle management Strategies for different stages of product life cycle Product differentiation New service realities Service quality measurement and management Product discontinuation pricing process Differences between pricing of products and services Linkage between marketing channel system and value network E-commerce vs M-commerce Marketing channel conflicts Types of marketing intermediaries Future of retailing Role of Marketing Communications Marketing communications mix Developing and managing an advertising program Advertising objectives Evaluating advertising effectiveness Sales promotions Digital advertising Social media as a sales and advertising tool Personal Selling Designing sales force Sales management Future of personal selling