Power vs Force
The questions are in reference to the book Power vs Force by David Hawkins 1. A) Explain the health and disease process as it relates to emotions and attitudes in nonlinear dynamics and attractor field research. B) How does cause and effect fit into the equation? 2. In Hawkins own words, what is the difference between the top and the lower levels, if one compares the lower level to the top level? 3. What is it that gives data its whole significance or value? 4. Hawkins speaks of a paradox in regard to philosophical debates. What is the paradox he speaks of? 5. Explain in simple terms, which part of the ABC principle applies to traditional medical approaches to disease, and which part of it applies to the process of actually curing disease? 6. Describe Dr. Hawkins methodology of testing and technique based on Behavioral Kinesiology. 7. What is the Nature of Spirit in Power? 8. The effect of alignment with principle is never more striking than in its physiologic consequences. Vibrant Health follows alignment with high energy attractor patterns, alignment with weak energy patterns results in disease. Explain this statement with relation to our life patterns, and the Hygienic principle of the energy balance of good health.