Power and Difference
Select one of the options below to complete this assignment. Often conflict can escalate in conversations about privilege, power, and difference. Reading about these topics can sometimes leave us with this sense of not knowing what to do next. Pick one option from below. Complete the option, do not just turn in a reflection on what you might choose. Your project from start to finish will be a 10 hour commitment throughout the term. Service-Learning Issue Area: Create awareness of conflict arising from the intersections of privilege, power, and difference Direct: This option is not available due to COVID-19. Indirect: Watch an event (such as a rally or a speech) in which the participants and organizers do not share your cultural background. Without interviewing anyone, what conflicts do you notice? What are the positions and interests in these conflicts? Advocacy: Create a program that addresses privilege power,and difference in conflict. This project can double with something you are already involved in with another organization. Research: Locate a letter to the editor or opinion piece from the time period of one of the articles from the first part of the Service Learning. What is the conflict according to the author in the piece you selected? What are the positions and interests of each party involved? How does privilege inform the positions and interests? identify a current organization that cares about what you just wrote. Consider interviewing the organization staff as a source for the final question. Ask them if they could think of a way to use your paper, e.g. in their newsletter, as a letter to the editor, etc What present day issues are similar to the issues intertwined in these populations?