Post Crisis Concerns
Discussion Leader (50 Points) You will be assigned a night to lead the class in discussion of the assigned readings. You will prepare materials ahead of time, including a handout that outlines the readings and provides takeaways, discussion questions, and an additional popular reading you locate. you will develop a plan for stimulating discussion, whether it is a class activity, small group discussions, bringing in outside materials like video clips or a short in-class reading, discussion questions posed to the class, or anything else you can dream up. The texts and theories are by no means perfect, so this is a chance to engage in thoughtful scholarly critique about the readings for the week. There are no days off; even when someone else is leading discussion, everyone is assessed on their performance and contribution. 1. You have 45 to 50 minutes to cover all materials from the weekly topic, or the first half of class. You must incorporate information from the readings and assignments that I have already provided for the topic. There should be a clear focus on the goals and objectives of the chapter and the class topic. To remind classmates of the overarching theme of the presentation. Each presenter must individually show a working knowledge of the chapter and materials.