Population -Domestic Violence on Children
Learn more about client populations by finding an article that will help you understand the population and typical presenting problems that are typical. Summarize what you think are 3 important pieces of information that will be helpful in working with and understanding your clients. Why did you pick these three things? How do they help you to understand the population/main problems? b. Given what you learned from reading the article, what do you think are 2 things that you might find rewarding in working with the clients and problems? What are 2 things that might be challenging about work with this population/problems? Make sure to fully explain your thinking. What information do you need and what strategies do you think you need to develop to work with this population? You must answer this question fully do not simply say nothing will be rewarding or challenging. Is your client population mandated? Explain? What impact does this have on the work both positive and negative?