Political Essay
Write a political essay of at least three pages. The essay should describe 1) Who you are as a political person a) Do you pay attention to what is happening on the local, state or national level? b) Do you understand how both large and small policy decisions impact your life? c) Are you a voter? Why or why not? 2) Your beliefs on foreign affairs a) Do you know which countries the are considered allies to the United States and why? b) Do you believe the United States should try to preserve those nations as allies? 3) How you think political identity, religion, and democratic/nondemocratic regimes affect political structure a) Judging from what you see on the political stage all over the world, how has religion helped or hindered nations? b) What impact does international trends have on political structure, for example, women’s equality or religious freedom Remember to use citations in your essay, double space, Arial font, size 12.