Police Stops, Searches and Arrest
There are many aspects of the Criminal Justice system in America. As a student you are challenged with understanding many aspects of our justice system and applying that information when necessary. Your task is to describe the extent of police officers’ authority to stop people and conduct searches and/or arrest. It is important that you carefully articulate what makes such stops and subsequent arrest right, justified and legal. Make sure you do a complete synopsis of policies, procedures and laws that give law enforcement the authority to act under these circumstances. Once you document justifiable and legal authority, comprehensively write about the purpose, importance and impact law enforcement officers have on our society when executing these duties. Incorporate the learning from each of the chapters and tie it in with constitutional law designed to protect our rights as citizens. Finally, close your paper by reflecting personally on the information you have provided in your paper and discuss your thoughts about the significance of these type of police actions in our American Justice system. Your paper should be authentic and represent college level writing. Grammar is essential and all students are encouraged to proof their papers several times before submitting the final draft. Your paper is designed to critically reflect and have scholarly research. Do not use google to research your paper, but instead, use resources located in our library or scholarly journals or reports. This paper should be 5-6 pages and done in the APA format.