Play Therapy Intervention
The Play Therapy Intervention I chose was specifically for hospitalized children. It’s called “The Medical Mystery Guessing Box.” It will have two holes for the pediatric patient to stick their hands thru and be able to pull out medical supplies (EKG leads, stethoscope, gloves, surgical cap, syringes, o2 mask, etc.) This helps reduce stress and anxiety for children hospitalized/undergoing surgical treatment. This activity allows them to become more comfortable with the medical supplies and gives them a chance to talk about their concerns/fears. Include a 4-page paper on the Play Therapy Intervention you demonstrate to the class and address the following outline: Type of Play Therapy Tools/Technique (engagement, assessment, treatment, termination, ritual, or evaluation activity). Intended appropriate population for the tool/technique (age range, environment [e.g., school, hospital], developmental stage, presenting problem, etc.). Make sure to keep ethical, cultural, and religious considerations in mind when choosing an activity for a specific population. Objective/s of the tool/technique (what is it intended to assess, teach, communicate?). Rationale for tool/technique use (why is this technique good for this population?). Instructions and materials needed for the tool/technique. Suggestions for follow-up to the tool/technique (e.g., if the activity triggers a client, how will you follow-up with the child/family?) Contraindications of the tool/technique (e.g., slime activities are contraindicated for sexual abuse survivors, and allergies and limitations should be considered). Here are two links to help with the paper: