Picking Cotton
Name of the book is Picking Cotton Double spaced, minimum of three pages two separate papers for 3 parts to be three pages long so total of 9 pages answering two separate questions 3 sources each so total of 9 sources 1) According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, over 60% of sexual assaults go unreported to law enforcement. What events in the book might explain this issue? Use examples of treatment Jennifer received at the hospital, at the trial and at home to better describe her experience. Are there other reasons people might not report a sexual assault? 2) Ronald Cotton has several setbacks and challenges throughout his trial and appeals process. Detail some of the injustices he faced. DNA was critical in Cottons case, but had its limitations. What were these limitations? What final critical event eventually led to Cottons release I actually have one more if possible same guidelines , 3) Explore how Robert describes prison. How does he manage to survive both physically and emotionally? What surprised you most about his prison experiences? If you were in his shoes, how might your experience mirror or contrast with Ronalds