Philosophy of Children’s Literature
A philosophy is your beliefs, knowledge, questions, reason, etc. Explain your philosophy of children’s literature. Consider the following: What are your beliefs about children’s literature? What is your knowledge of children’s literature? What are questions do you have about children’s literature? What are reasons you value or don’t value children’s literature? What do you feel the role of children’s literature should be in children’s lives? Feel free to work with one or all of the above questions and/or include ideas about children’s literature not reflected in the questions. The assignment should be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word. The final draft should be In a standard size (no larger than 12 point) and style font Double spaced In paragraph format (prose). I am looking for your ideas. You will be graded on the following: Clear and focused explanation of your ideas about children’s literature Maintaining a personal tone (use first person pronouns – I, me, my; avoid second person pronouns – you, you’re your) Language conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation) The assignment will be reviewed through Turnitin.