Read through the instructions prior to beginning this assignment. Select a particular historical event that you have encountered in the course of your research for your term paper.The subject of your timeline entry does not need to be an event per se. It could feature a historical figure or institution, but it should explain what this person did or what happened in the institution named. Try to make the subject of your entry as specific as possible. For instance, rather than the medicine in World War I, you might look into Harold Gilliess establishment of a unit in Queen Marys hospital dedicated to reconfiguring facial injuries sustained in the war. Describe the event. Be sure to indicate its relevance to medical history and to situate the event in its broader social or cultural context. Seek factors within this context that may help to explain why the event occurred when and where it did. Your description and analysis must be at least 250 words in length. To receive credit, you must also include your own name at the top of your description. Include an image relevant to the specific subject of your entry or its broader context if one is available.The Wellcome Collections and Wikimedia Commons are both fine sources of copyright-free images. You still must attribute the image according to the credit line listed on the website and provide a link to the image. Cite any sources of information you used in preparing your timeline slide with a complete bibliographic entry. Please use either APA or Chicago formats for your citations.