Pans Labyrinth
The movie “Pans Labyrinth” Ultimately, Pans Labyrinth is about fascism, and writer /director Guillermo del Toro, in creating this story, has written: I was interested in seeing fascism, which is the absolute lack of imagination, the absolute lack of choice and the most masculine expression of power, juxtaposed with the most feminine, most beautiful expression of power, which is imagination… Male power is exclusive. Female power is inclusive; its about the ability to nurture, embrace and grow. With del Toros words in mind, look closely at the actions and attitudes of the women and the men In the story. 1. Which women are imaginative and inclusive; which are not ? 2. Which men are imaginatively impaired and exclusive; which are not ? 3. What does this tell us about the value system of the films male-dominated world?