Owner Operator Trucking Company
I have started an owner / operating trucking company. There is a possibility I will enter a partnership with an already established trucking company by being leased to that company. If this doesn’t pan out and they don’t bring me on board, then I will get my own work found on the many load boards throughout the internet. Load boards have thousands of real time data of customers looking to hire trucks such as mine to haul freight. I had the option of either Interstate or Intrastate. I chose Intrastate as only hauling freight within province really wasn’t an option. Starting out I will haul within Canada but in the near future I will include the US and haul freight throughout North America. I have $25,000 for down payment, need to finance $150,000 for purchase of the truck and permitting / insurance. I anticipate to bring in $400,000 per year and clear $100,000 per year after costs. I need a business plan written for me that will convince investors to provide the $150,000 that I need to purchase the truck and get up and running.