Orgnisational Behaviour in Organisations
Case Study Analysis: In this task, you are required to review the broadcast Panorama: Amazon by copying and pasting the following URL to your browser: Thereafter, conduct your own independent research into the organisational behavioural activities at Amazon. Using the material you have researched, you are required to write a 1500-word essay (+/- 10%, excluding references, tables, figures, and appendices) analysing some of the OB issues at Amazon. Please answer the question below. Using appropriate theories, identify and apply a leadership approach, cultural typology and source of power employed by Amazon. Your answer should ascertain and explain a common thread that links the components of the theories together. Discuss the most influential perspectives on organizational behaviour 2. Explain the fundamental ideas, frameworks and models in the field 3. Apply academic theories to personal development 4. Apply academic theories to analyse organizational problems.