Organizational Analysis of Good Samaritan Ministries – Johnson City
Organizational Analysis of Good Samaritan Ministries – Johnson City 4 pages Selecting an organization, or department/division/unit within an organization for which you have intimate knowledge, identify and describe an issue or challenge in organizational or program goal attainment. Offer an analysis of organizational structure and processes as pertinent to the issue you have chosen. Be sure to apply key concepts from organizational theory and management science as presented in your assigned readings, and as addressed in lecture videos, and other materials from the course. Limit yourself to no more then two or three key concepts that carry the weight of your analysis (e.g., complexity, effectiveness and formalization) although linking these to other concepts in developing your argument. Demonstrate how elements of organizational structure or specific management practices either contribute to or undermine achieving intended outcomes. Offer a concise plan for addressing identified problems, describing how your plan responds to the very problems or issues you have identified. Be sure to incorporate appropriate APA references.