Organism Assignment
Research an organism of your choosing using the textbook and internet. Describe its taxonomy and evolutionary history. For each taxon (Species, Genus, Family, etc.), describe the essential characteristics. For example, what do all mammals have in common? What do all chordates have in common? The paper should be (~ 1 double-spaced, APA formatted page). Refer to the attached document for the grading rubric. Unit 6 Organism Rubric Unit 6 Organism Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identifies the binomial nomenclature (species and genus) of the chosen organism using correct formatting. 2.0 pts Identifies the species and genus of the chosen organism and uses correct formatting. 1.2 pts Incorrectly identifies the species and genus of the chosen organism or uses the incorrect formatting. 0.0 pts Does not identify the species or genus of the chosen organism. 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identifies the higher taxa of the chosen organism using correct formatting. 2.0 pts Identifies the higher taxa of the chosen organism using correct formatting. 1.2 pts Incorrectly identifies the higher taxa of the chosen organism. 0.0 pts Does not identify the higher taxa of the chosen organism. 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Describes essential characteristics of organism. 2.0 pts Describes essential characteristics of the organism. 1.2 pts Describes some characteristics of organism, but misses more than one essential characteristic. 0.0 pts Does not describe any characteristics of organism. 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Briefly describes the evolutionary history of the organism. 2.0 pts Briefly describes the evolutionary history of the organism (which animals are most closely related to the organism, when the organism first appeared) 1.2 pts Inaccurately describes the evolutionary history of the organism. 0.0 pts Does not describe the evolutionary history of the organism. 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar, spelling, and formatting 2.0 pts The essay follows the APA format guidelines and contains no more than three grammatical errors or misspellings 1.2 pts The essay follows the APA format guidelines but contains three to six grammatical errors or misspellings. 0.0 pts The essay does NOT follow the APA format guidelines or contains more than six grammatical errors or misspellings. 2.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clear and professional writing 2.0 pts Writing is clear, professional, and well-organized. Essay is can be easily followed and uses effective transitions between sentences 1.2 pts Writing is organized and can be followed, The essay contains effective transitions between sentences 0.0 pts Writing is not well-organized or cannot be easily followed or understood. Uses choppy or rambling sentences. 2.0 pts Total Points: 12.0