Online Gallert or Museum Exhibition
Museums and galleries are currently closed due to COVID-19, however, many major art museums have created online tours of their current, temporary exhibitions and are expanding the content on their websites. Write a review of TWO exhibitions of artworks that you view in the online exhibition (the following link are the exhibitions) & You may write a positive review or a negative review; it is most important to express your own reaction to the works. Pick a MINIMUM of TWO works of art PER EXHIBITION to write about. Clearly state the details of each artwork (artist name, title of piece, year, medium used) and if this is not stated in the video, look this up online. Search online for an artists or curators statement (if none is narrated in the video) to help you understand the context and concept of the work and the artistic intent. Consider the elements of the artwork; the subject matter, the composition and design elements, and the artists technique. Is your reaction to the work emotional, intellectual, or both? Be specific in stating your reasons and give examples of why you like or dislike the work. Do not finish with a conclusion (it is a waste of words).