On Flint Michigan water crisis
research paper on Flint Michigan water crisis 8 pages of words, 2pages of figures, 5 citations, title page, abstract page, and a work cited page Term Paper Format (all pages must be numbered): Page 1: Title page, include the title of your paper, your name, major, email address, and date. Page 2: Abstract, this is a summary of the entire paper, it lists the topic or problem addressed, the main findings and conclusions drawn. The abstract must not exceed one page. 4 Pages 3-12 (or more): Will be the text of your term paper, typed double space, 12 point font. This means that your term paper must be at least 10 pages long (pages 3-12). You may include two pages of figures in that ten page count (so 8 pages of text and 2 pages of figures, minimum). Figures are not required, and if no figures are displayed then the paper must be 10 pages long. Your figures must be numbered (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc) and they must include a caption explaining what is depicted and where it came from (your source). You may include more than one figure per page, or you can go over the 10 page goal with up to five or six figures total (but remember the required 8 pages of text). You must base your research paper on at least five peer-reviewed journal articles, and on the textbook by Marshak and Rauber (2020). Ideally, you want to read and study the most important peer-reviewed articles in your field of interest, and some of the most relevant recent articles. These classic or important articles on any particular topic are easy to find with careful internet research. I can help you if you have questions about the key literature in any field. If your topic is not even mentioned in the textbook then it is not a good choice for this assignment. You may use information obtained from the World Wide Web (as the internet was initially called), but this should only be used sparingly and not as a substitute for the five journal article requirement. However, there are some outstanding websites with quality images that can greatly enhance your term paper. You may definitely use maps, graphs, or other charts from NASA, NOAA, USGS, and other federal agency websites, but be sure to fully acknowledge where the figures were obtained. Be wary of obtaining valid scientific information at any web site not ending in .gov or .edu. Last page of term paper: The list of references consulted for your paper must be included on the last page. Use complete citations, listing author(s), date, title of article, journal name, volume number, and pages. I usually use the bibliographic style of the American Meteorological Society. It is complete and easy, so please use this style for your citations as well. I give a few examples below, just follow the style below as closely as you can. When you make a bold statement of fact in the text of your term paper you need to cite the source of that information by simply noting the first author and date in parentheses. more helpful information: Your term paper can be written from either perspective. You may investigate the scientific aspects of your research topic or the economic, environmental, or social implications of your topic. If you choose the latter, lets call it a socioeconomic perspective, please first provide a university-level description of the earth science topic you chose and then discuss the socioeconomic or environmental importance of the topic. For example, lets say you would like to investigate the socioeconomic impacts of groundwater exploitation in eastern Arkansas, which is a real problem that may impact the future economic growth of Arkansas. This over-exploitation of groundwater is both a problem and an opportunity for innovation. There may be engineering solutions to make the extraction, distribution, and use of groundwater 3 more efficient. Or we might address the problem by using more water efficient crops or advanced crop management techniques. New regulations and taxation might also be considered to encourage more sustainable practices. You might choose to explore the groundwater depletion issue from one of these perspectives, and therefore your paper would be both scientific and socioeconomic. In this case, your term paper would first provide a solid description of the problem, answering some or all of the typical questions concerning any research topic like what, where, when, why, who, and how severe is the problem, how fast is it happening. And then your paper would review the potential solutions. This groundwater topic is just an example to give you an idea about what kind of information goes into a university-level research paper. You might choose instead to write a scientific paper on sea level rise. In that case, your paper should outline the history of sea level changes over geologic time, especially during the Quaternary ice age when the advance and retreat of the vast continental ice sheets caused global sea level to change as water from the ocean was added or released from the massive continental ice sheets. How much sea level changed from full glacial to full inter-glacial conditions would be very important to note, how much water is currently stored in Greenland and Antarctica, how much sea level would rise if all of that ice were to melt, along with the scientific evidence for the natural factors that cause sea level to change on these long glacial to post-glacial time scales (that orbital theory gets a little bit complicated, but it is also one of the most amazing things ever discovered in the history of the Earth Sciences). Then, finally, you would want to discuss what role humans are now playing in global sea level change and what might be done to mitigate the changes and impacts.