Object Oriented Programming
The Python Calculator is an individual take home project. Students will write and complete the python program and documentations in two (2) weeks and will save the file as: calculator.py. In writing the program, the requirements are as follows: Appropriate variable and function names Appropriate data types and conversions Correct mathematical calculations Appropriate functions definitions and calls Fully commented program Correct loop structure Accurate output display Use and application of Object-Oriented Approach 1. The project python source code as described above: calculator.py 2. A documentation report: Create an MS Word file called final.docx which contains the specific section titles listed below. TITLE: Include your name, your class section, and the project title. PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION: This section should include a brief description of how to run your program (i.e., what the user should type and any other information a user might need to know) and also a brief description that might be used by another programmer to modify/extend your program. For example, there may be some features that you would have included in your program if you had more time. You could include a list of those features and your thoughts on how they should be implemented. TEST Cases: List at least five (5) test cases that your program handles to demonstrate the project functionality. Do not assume you have a smart user. Test also for wrong user entry. REFLECTIONS: Include at least a one-paragraph description of what you learned from this project. It might help to think about what problems you encountered, and what you would do differently if you had to do another project. 3. A 10-slide MS Power Point Presentation: You will present your project in the virtual classroom. This is an opportunity to show off your hard work! The presentation may include elements from the report and should be organized as follows: ? Slide 1: Title ? Slide 2: Introduction ? Slide 3: Goal and purpose of the Project ? Slide 3: Input/Process/Output details (IPO chart can be included) ? Slide 4: Project Development Process ? Slide 6: Project Testing/Maintenance ? Slide 6 to 9: Demo of snippets of Project codes and functions ? Slide 10: Conclusion/References