Nursing Theories
For this discussion question, you are to answer the following. Keep in mind the theory, model or conceptualization may differ for each question. Think about what the question is asking which theory, model or conceptualization relates most to the question: Which theory, model or conceptualization do you think focuses the most on the principles of patient-centered care and why? (EP-SLO#1) Which theory, model or conceptualization do you think focuses the most on nursings obligation to safety, legal, ethical, and moral standards int eh context of patient care, healthcare, healthcare policy, regulation and/or financing and why? (EP-SLO#2) Which theory, model or conceptualization do you think focuses the most on evidence-based practice and research to support high quality healthcare outcomes and why? (EP-SLO#3) Which theory, model or conceptualization do you think focuses the most on health promotion and illness prevention using determinants of health and disease prevention and why? (EP-SLO#4) Please choose from the following: Marilyn Anne Rays Theory of Bureaucratic Caring Troutman-Jordans Theory of Successful Aging Barretts Theory of Power as Knowing Participation in Change Marlaine Smiths Theory of Unitary Caring Kristen Swansons Theory of Caring deline Falk-Rafaels Critical Caring Theory Katie Erikssons Theory of Caritative Caring