Nursing Practice ACT Essay
NURSING PRACTICE ACT ESSAY: Review the California Nursing Practice Act (NPA) online, and write an essay briefly describing the major functions of the NPA (in the introduction of the essay). The majority of the essay should be a reflection on the impact that the Act (or a specific part of the NPA) will have on a professional status as a registered nurse. Consider the role as a registered nurse in the first 5 years of practice DO NOT discuss Advanced Practice issues, just new Nurses. Include delegation items and Non- delegated items. Also consider including Continuing Education requirements. The essay should be no longer than three full pages, typed, double -spaced, and be written at the university level following APA 7th edition format. An appropriate title page should be attached per APA guidelines (see grading rubric for written Assignments.) To access the Nursing Practice Act follow this link: or using your preferred search engine, type in California BRN and click on the link for Nursing Practice Act– it is located in the business and professions code starting with section 2700. Evaluation: The essay will be graded on the depth of reflection and the application of the Nursing Practice Act as it relates to nursing practice.