NGO Report
II. NGO Report: You have to submit a 4-5-page (double-spaced) report.1. Choose an IPE issue here: 2. Demonstrate how states, markets, and societies interact over this issue. How hard is it to determine the analytical boundaries between the state, market, and society in this case? 3. Find an NGO that is working in the issue space using this interactive map- 4. Which region of the world does your NGO focus on and why? Here you will have to give me some data, tables, graphs etc. that demonstrate context and tell me why the issue matters to the NGO. 5. Can you support the NGOs research by providing recent literature on the issue? Here I would need at least four papers summarized and cited.6. Is your NGO aware of new research in the field? From a critical review of the NGOs website, do you have any advice for the NGO based on your classroom knowledge