[Get Solution] Nevada Government
Based upon the readings and lectures covering the three branches of Nevada State government, respond to the following. For each branch identify one unique characteristic that makes the branch more or less effective as a governmental entity. When preparing your post, clearly identify the characteristics you are discussing then construct a justification as to why you believe your chosen elements are unique, and have historically influencedand continue to influence the effectiveness of the chosen branch. For example: the legislative requirement for single issue bills requires that legislators be efficient and precise when constructing bills for consideration. It also prevents the presence of omnibus legislation. Instructions for Discussion posts: DO’s Due to the shortened nature of the course, your original post and a minimum of two responses to other students are both due no later than midnight of the due date. I encourage you to post your original post earlier than that so that other students can post responses! I also encourage you to regularly exceed the minimum number of responses to other students. It is required to reference source material (text or otherwise) using the (author’s name, page number) citation method. If the source is web based then a URL is required. Your original post is to be completed before you read and respond to others. Your post is to be a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 350 words, demonstrate critical thinking and collegiate writing skills, and reflect the week’s reading material. For an explanation of Critical Thinking criteria and a sample Discussion go to: Critical Thinking Explained.