Movie and Story Comparison and Contrast
Description: Review Chapter 10 of Magnnusson’s Scotland: The Story of A Nation (Magnus Magnusson William Wallace.bio_1_.pdf ) and note how the biography of Wallace, as explained in the article, differs from the presentation of Wallace in the film Braveheart. In your opinion, what might be the reasons for these differences? Has Wallaces character been altered in the film in order to make him more of a hero to modern American audiences? What are the heroic characteristics that are emphasized by the changes to his character? Why might it be important for a hero to be seen as possessing these particular characteristics? Full Movie on YouTube: Audience: Your audience is composed of me and your fellow students, all of whom are familiar with both the film and the article. Long, extended quotes and paraphrases are not necessary; short quotes and references will suffice. Objectives: 1. To develop your ability to read, analyze, and respond to sources 2. To develop your critical thinking skills 3. To develop your ability to construct a paper in a clear and effective manner 4. To develop your ability to edit the writing of yourself and your peers and your ability to give, accept, and incorporate criticism diplomatically Components of assignment: For this assignment, you should avoid using outside sources, apart from the film and the article. Rely on your own critical thinking skills and our class discussions to come to conclusions for your paper. Strategies for completing assignment: Be careful not to allow your paper to become disjointed. Write a detailed outline to keep your information organized and make sure that it flows smoothly. Make sureway ahead of timethat you are familiar with and understand the film and article! Other details: Paper length: (2-3 pages). Papers must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman, with one-inch margins.