Motor Manufacturing in Developing Economies
Select one of the remaining major U.S. automobile manufacturing firms: GM, Ford, or Chrysler. Then, select one of these automobile manufacturers that started in a developing economy: Hyundai (South Korea), Tata Motors (India), or Chery (China). Be sure to read ahead and consider the requirements of the assignment when selecting your two firms. Include the following in your comprehensive analysis and synthesis of supportive literature: Provide an introductory discussion of the history and current state of the two firms selected with an emphasis on business outside their home countries in terms of component production, assembly, and sales. Research timelines for the international aspect of the two firms, similar to Week 7s work, and then analyze these in your paper. Compare the historical evolutions of the two firms given the global economic environment of the time. Consider the following: Explain relevant elements of the classic trade theory of comparative advantage. Include relevant elements of the theory of competitive advantage and regional clustering. Determine the impact of the WTO and trade barriers, both tariff and non-tariff. Explain the impact of regional economic integration (if any). Incorporate one or more of the theories of internationalization discussed in Week 7. Provide concluding remarks on the comparison of the international evolution of the two firms. Length: 12 5 pages, not including title and reference pages