Microbiology LAb
LAB WRITING ASSIGNMENTS: PLEASE COPY AND INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS TOGETHER WITH THE ANSWERS: Assignment maximum of 250 WORDS FOR EACH PART. Upload assignment in the Course Work section. Cite your sources. Save in Microsoft WORD format ONLY (if you have a MAC, save in RTF format). Upload your assignment in the upload site. LAB FIVE QUESTIONS: PART 1 – Describe restriction enzymes and briefly discuss their use. – Explain what is occurring during each step of one PCR cycle. RUBRIC: COMPLETED ALL REQUIRED SECTIONS WITH ONE TO FOUR SENTENCES 1 -4 POINTS GRAMMAR AND SPELLING FOR ASSIGNMENT 1 POINT TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS FOR ASSIGNMENT 5 POINTS LAB FIVE QUESTIONS: PART 2 – Explain the use of plasmids as cloning vectors. – Describe the overall process of gel electrophoresis-how does it work? RUBRIC: COMPLETED ALL REQUIRED SECTIONS WITH ONE TO FOUR SENTENCES 1 -4 POINTS GRAMMAR AND SPELLING FOR ASSIGNMENT 1 POINT TOTAL MAXIMUM POINTS FOR ASSIGNMENT 5 POINTS Instructions: YOU WILL UPLOAD TWO DOCUMENTS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.