MFT Counseling Theory CBT Theory
Application of Theory Paper MFT Counseling Theory CBT THEORY This paper requires a minimum 3 to 4 content pages (in addition to the title, abstract, and reference pages). It is toreflect the students comprehensive thinking using a vignette the instructor will provide. APA style is required; itmust conform to APA requirements. The student will select psychoanalytic, person-centered (Rogerian), or cognitive behavioral theory in addition to incorporating a faith perspective. The application paper is meant to demonstrate what the student has learned regarding the self of the therapist, assessment considerations, cultural diversity issues, the alliance, the role of the therapist, theoretical model, treatment plan considerations, evaluation of therapy, and the use of a faith perspective in assessment and treatment of the client. See writing rubric for important assessment components of this assignment. The following must be included in this assignment and it must conform to APA style and standards and must include as a minimum: Title page (give your paper a unique title) Abstract Running head on title page and headers on subsequent pages Body ? Introduction ? Brief description of the theory, include theorist name, do not include theorists biography ? Introduce important case vignette components, paraphrase, no need to cite the vignette ? Therapeutic Process and Relationship ? For example: role of the therapist, alliance ? Main Theoretical Ideas/Principles ? Goals of Therapy ? Major Therapeutic Techniques and Interventions ? Cultural diversity issues where applicable ? Biblical/faith perspective ? Conclusion Citations of sources (within the text) You are to write your case conceptualization on the following vignette using :CBT THEORY Case Vignette Maria Maria is a young wife and mother of two children. Her husband is frequently deployed for months at a time. They recently moved to California after the birth of their second child. She becomes quite lonely, depressed and worriedthat she will have an affair like her mother did numerous times in Marias childhood. She is especially depressed when she has dreams of being with another man because she really loves her husband and wants her marriage to work. She describes thinking about how terrible and worthless she is for having thoughts about another man. When she begins to get down on herself, it is harder for her to do the housework or be there emotionally for her children. She occasionally has thoughts that everyone would be better off without her.