[Get Solution] Mental Health Laws
The assigned reading for the below discussions are: Readings Use your Drogin Ethical Conflicts text to read the following: Chapter 2, “How Ethics Are Applied.” Use your Fisher Decoding the Ethics Code text to read the following: Chapter 3, “The APA Ethics Code and Ethical Decision Making,” pages 3155. Chapter 4, “Standards for Resolving Ethical Issues,” pages 5679. Use the Internet to read the following: American Psychological Association. (2019). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct including the 2010 and 2016 amendments. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index I reside in New York for the second discussion and please utilize new York state mental health laws and appropriate references. Each discussion must be 250 words minimum and have references. U2D1 Adherence to Regulations Describe a situation in which rigid, insensitive, technically correct adherence to state regulation or APA ethical code might result in a client feeling that you have been insensitive or uncaring. Describe a solution that is correct and still sensitive and concerned. U2D2 State Mental Health Laws For this discussion, you will refer to your state mental health laws, and the psychology code of conduct that you located for your Resource Portfolio. Discuss the most recent revisions to your state’s code. Find one area within your state’s legal structure where the fit with either the ethics code or the two assigned guidelines may be obscure, difficult, or just not clear. Outline a means of rectifying the differences.