Marketing Research
Part 2 of your research project should address steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the Information Research Process for your product or service as indicated in Exhibit 2.4 on page 32. (** SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT WITH INFO)**) You are required to: Write a 4- to 6-page paper (1000 to 1650 words) addressing steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font). The questionnaire (step 7) for your MRP should include a maximum of 6 to 8 dependent variables questions and 4 independent variables questions. (See About Launching Your Questionnaire” below for more details about when you should implement the questionnaire.) – Pretest your survey with 5 people, for validity, before submitting the assignment. About Launching Your Questionnaire: – Your questionnaire should be launched to your audience after you receive feedback from you mentor on MRP Part 2. – The questionnaire can be administered in person or via e-mail, telephone, the U.S. mail system, Internet, or any other research method. (A minimum of 20 completed surveys are required.) *** Helpful Tip: 1) While you are preparing for Part 2, please keep the following tips and requirements in mind: Note that within the Module 3 Study Materials section, key chapter review pages are listed. Use these pages as a guide to complete the steps of the marketing research plan. 2) As directions for explaining your research project in writing, remember that in the business world the owners, stakeholders, board of directors, corporate officers, and operational vice presidents will be asking, “Why, why, and why have you included the specific elements and activities within your marketing research