Lose Less Analysis
Module 5 Analysis Activity: Lose Less Analysis Lose Less Analysis: Utilizing material from the course and from personal experience, and using a sematic differential dataset (found or created), you will create KPIs for an organizational process, product, or marketing campaign. This activity can be done as a group if so desired – make sure each student individually submits their artifact even if working in a group. Instructions: Read through the resources below. Find a public dataset using sematic differential data (a Likert scale for example; read through the resources below for more information), or make your own sample using google forms, excel, or a similar spreadsheet creator. Your dataset does not need to be a “big data” set. Just make up something simple and populate it: for example include dog names, their breed, their fur color, their training scaled 1-20, and if they are a “good dog” then you can look at the other variables to see if they predict if the dog is a “good dog”. If desired, we can even just make up a dataset Tuesday night together. Analyze the data to determine the variables that stand out: for example, elements or variables which have noticeably high or low outcomes, in aggregate, etc. Using the outcome analysis, determine variables (or KPI) elements that may be important for the organization. Propose 2 null hypothesis/alternative hypothesis pairs with potential experiments to test the KPIs usefulness and implications. (that is, pick a couple of variables you think really matter and propose who you would test to see if they matter to the outcome) Submit a short report concerning your insights, hypotheses, and proposed experiments to construct KPIs for the organization. Further Resources: Web article: “How to Measure Attitudes with Semantica Differential” https://www.surveygizmo.com/resources/blog/how-to-measure-attitudes-with-semantic-differential-questions/ Web article: “5 Steps to Actionable Key Performance Indicators” https://unilytics.com/5-steps-to-actionable-key-performance-indicators/ Web article: “What is Data?” https://towardsdatascience.com/what-is-data-8f94ae3a56b4 References: 5 Steps to Actionable Key Performance Indicators. Unilytics. (2013, August 7). https://unilytics.com/5-steps-to-actionable-key-performance-indicators/. Beasley, T. (2015, March 19). How to Measure Attitudes with Semantic Differential. SurveyGizmo. https://www.surveygizmo.com/resources/blog/how-to-measure-attitudes-with-semantic-differential-questions/. Kozyrkov, C. (2019, January 18). What is data? Medium. https://towardsdatascience.com/what-is-data-8f94ae3a56b4.