Looking to Create a Mission Statement for a Small Non Profit Business
Hello, I am looking for a new mission statement for my nonprofit business that we created called Spreading The love Worldwide. We have based our morals on love, community, and education. We coordinate events to fund and help different world strategies. We raised money for the breast cancer walk. we had event where entry was sneakers and we sent them to churches and school in the Dominican republic. We helped clean the community we grew up in NYC. We coordinated a peaceful protest march demanding justice for the death of Breonna Taylor. we helped give sneakers to homeless shelter in Connecticut. We helped feed the homeless shelter in NYC. on Christmas we got donations for toys to coordinate a toys for pizza drive giving the exchange of bringing a toy and receiving a pizza and partnering with childrens aid to help gift the children in the hospital. we did a turkey drive in a upper Manhattan public housing field. we coordinated an event to collect school supplies for the Dominican Republic. and now due to covid we are collecting donations to help students with school supplies. We plan on growing and doing more for the community all over the world. instagram @spreadloveww