Local Social Issues
Social issues have to do with relationships between groups of people in society, whether they be ethnic groups, economic groups, religious groups, etc. While we like to think that we live in a society that does not draw lines between groups, the reality is more complex. In my hometown of Fullerton, for example, there is a clear ethnic/economic division that is represented by the railroad tracks, there is homelessness, and a host of other social problems. What sorts of social problems/issues do you notice in your local community? Once you have identified your topic, research it. Try to get in the habit of picking up your local (or campus) newspaper, to see what is happening locally. You don’t necessarily have to write about a CURRENT social issue. You may research a social issue that occurred in the past if you wish, like school desegregation, racism, etc. You want to approach your topic as an academic researcher. Therefore, try to withold judgements until you have really researched all sides of your chosen topic. Your task in this essay is to open peoples eyes to social issues in the place where they (and you) live. As always, your essay needs a clear and focused thesis statement with a TOPIC and a SLANT. Your thesis cannot simply be informative. You must be saying something meaningful about your topic, based on the research and critical thinking you have done. For this essay, you must use at least four outside sources. As always, wikipedia does not count as an academic source. One of your sources MUST be a full-on interview, and it cannot be with family or friends. You might also visit your local library, and follow local publications like your community newspaper. Your essay must be at least four full pages, typed double-spaced in Times New Roman font and MLA format. (As far as the interview goes, go ahead and make up a name.)