[Get Solution] List of Objectives for my Dissertation
This is a List of Objectives for my Dissertation: produce a summary of the main influences of room/hall acoustics on human perception of sound, such as effects on source distance, perceived room size and the sense of envelopment collate a comprehensive description of the elements making up the RSAO, including their motivation, parameter implementation and current capabilities from the perspective of the sound engineer producing content using sets of measured room impulse responses, extract and visualise the RSAO parameters corresponding to the early reflections and the late reverberation to identify trends and patterns in their values based on an understanding of the physical acoustics and the trends that have been observed in measured data, propose rules for adapting the RSAO parameters to extrapolate their values for new positions within a given room compare the adapted RSAO parameters to measured ones at corresponding locations in order to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed rules make an audio demonstration to highlight the main effects produced using your approach, e.g., in the form of a set of audio wave files that provide a changing impression of the source distance in a room.