Learning About Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), are groups concerned about environmental quality, resource use, and other environmental issues. NGOs play extremely important roles in environmental conservation today on a world-wide scale. There are many different NGOs organized around different issues, ideas, and approaches to environmental conservation. Use the internet to find information about one (1) environmental NGO. Write an essay in at least 250 words, answering the following questions. Please attach as word document 1. Where is the organizations home office? 2. What is the organizations main issue of concern? 3. What is the organizations goal? What are they trying to accomplish? Give specific examples. 4. What approach (es) does the organization use to achieve its goals? What does the organization actually do? Give specific examples. 5. How many members does the organization have? 6. Where does the organization get its money?