Language in Relationships
Language in Relationships In close or long-term relationships with others, we often develop some or even an extensive “private language,” words and phrases that have special meanings “just for us.” See some examples in the following article: “The Language of a Marriage,” by Joan Wickersham, Boston Globe (, June 25, 2010. In an essay of 600750 words, identify examples of this sort of thing, even examples where the language didn’t “stick” for long, from your own interpersonal relationships. Has such language benefited or detracted from the relationships you have in mind, and would you change things if you could? How? Consult and cite chapter 6 of your textbook to specify how things have gone wrong or could go better, if needed. Be sure to point out the similarities or differences in verbal communication style (direct/indirect, elaborate/succinct, formal/informal) and worldview in your essay.