Language and Meaning
I In this unit we focus our attention on language and meaning, how language functions, and why it’s so difficult for many of us to use language effectively and ethically. We find the material in Lessons 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 to be at the very heart of the following assignment, so please make sure you study the reading carefully. Your next challenge is to watch the following video. Let the message wash over you but stay attuned in particular to the suggestions of “practicing civility”. Then contemplate and respond to the following prompts: How do you “define” civility? What two specific tips does the speaker share that may help us steer clear of using uncivil language? In your perspective, what do you think we (as humans) miss out on when we are not civil with each other? Spend time with this assignment. Ultimately, you want to develop a minimum of 15 to 20 sentences response. Contemplate what you learned in this week’s reading, the video, and what you’ve discovered so far about the transcending power of communication.