Land Value Capture
Land value Capture 1. What is Land value capture? (1/2-1 page) · It is not a new concept o Canadian Pacific Railway was partly financed through giving rights for a 48-mile wide corridor along the route to the promoters of the highway (metrolinx source) -Using Land Value Capture to Fund Transportation investments · when people perceive value, they are willing to pay for it · part of the problem is that the current system is unable to easily release and subsequently capture this added value 2. Emerging Tools Strategies Explain what they are and how they can be used to fund transportation projects (2-3 pages) -Taxes -Fees -Land Value enhancement -Profit sharing linked with the project -Regulatory Instruments – Special Assessment Districts – Section 37 (Ontario Planning Act) 3.Case Study – How were the above strategies used in these 2 projects (3-4 pages) i) Metro Vancouver ii) Metrolinx Toronto