Land Of Opportunity
Final Exam Essay Topic – ArgumentLearning ObjectivesTo know how to write Argument essay with point, counterpoint, and refutation organizationTo clearly support argument points with details from text, and articles and own personal experienceTo know how to correctly bring in outside source material from text and online articles as in-text citationsGuidelinesPROMPT – YOUR TOPICDo you believe the United States is a land of opportunity?Write from your own personal experience of you and your family, now that you’ve been living in the U.S. for awhile. Use an example from one of the characters in Hidden Figures also. Brainstorm ideas and write them down. Read the two articles posted in this module for Pro/Con arguments. They will help give you ideas. Pick two or three areas you want to write about** and start creating your outline.**business? education? family matters? housing? politeness? discrimination? free religious worship? women’s opportunities? children’s services? clothes? appearance? etc. etc. BRAINSTORM!INSTRUCTIONS – What to Turn InInclude an outline of supporting points (topic phrases) above your paper with Thesis Statement on topAnswer the above question. Stay on topic.Argue your opinion in a five-paragraph argumentative essay. Write from your own personal experience added to the characters in our novelHiddenFigures. Additional points may come from events in any of the many Videos that were posted.Use at least one quote from Hidden Figures to support a point.A counterargument to your point must be chosen from one of the articles on the previous page and placed at the beginning of body par.#3Include one quote from one of the articles to support counterargument.After writing the counterargument at the start of body par #3, in that same paragraph refute that point with your own argument. (see body par.# 5 on page 150 of GW5 for a good sample).Add a Title on TopUse MLA formatting with in-text citations (no need for Works Cited)Edit your paper for your most common errors.600-800 word essayMODEL THESIS STATEMENTS:I believe the United States is a land of opportunity.I think the United States is the land of opportunity because ________, _________, and _______________. (your three points)The United States is not as free as I thought it would be in the areas of _________, _____________, and ________________. (your own personal experiences).MODEL TOPIC SENTENCES:First of all, America has religious freedoms. (your own personal experiences in this area)First, it’s difficult as an immigrant to get a good job in America. (your own personal experiences)First, I am pleased with the free health care system offered to newly-arrived immigrants. (your own personal experiences)First, there are still not many good job opportunities available for women in the U.S. (your own personal experiences) (or maybe a quote from Hidden Figures about one of the black women’s job opportunities)Re-read the Pro/Con articles again for more ideas.CHECKLIST FOR POINTS OFF: Points Deducted for the following:PLAGIARISM – Outside material, passed off as your own writing or copied material from another source, or studentExamples given about people in general – this will be considered Off Topic – you must give your own personal experience examples.Missing quote from a pro/con article and/or no quote from Hidden Figures.Being off topic – make sure you understand topic question and write from your own personal experience.Not a clear Introduction, Thesis Statement, Topic Sentences, ConclusionWeak paragraphs – not many examples supporting topicMissing or incorrect counterargument and/or refutationMissing or incorrect outlineParagraphs not indentedGrammar, sentence structure, verb tense, and spelling errors.PROOFREAD PAPER BEFORE SUBMITTING.