Judicial process
Q1:Consider who seems to have the most overall control of the courts. Do you find this surprising? Why, or why not? Q2:Based on what constitutes a lawful arrest, how easy do you think it would be for you to be arrested even if you had done nothing illegal? What recourse would you have if this occurred? Q3:would you be in favor of the various alternatives to traditional prosecution if you were the victim? How would the alternative prosecutions be justice for you? Q4:Some problems that the courts will be forced to address include human trafficking, elder abuse and neglect, identity theft, and issues related to both legal and illegal immigration. Which of these do you think would impact you the most? Course Textbook(s) Siegel, L. J., Schmalleger, F. J., & Worrall, J. L. (2018). Courts and criminal justice in America [VitalSource Bookshelf version] (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9780134526782