interest for the community
Must be a topic where you will perform an educational intervention to the families and the communities and you will provide them with education, action plans and interventions that will positively impact their health and wellbeing. The ultimate goal for your blog should be aimed to prevent disease and injury, improve health, and enhance quality of life. The topic selected must be supported by peer review journals and best practices. Examples of topics that would help you develop a great blog will be: Chronic diseases Injury and violence prevention Mental illness/behavioral health Unintended pregnancy Oral health Tobacco use Substance abuse Nutrition Physical activity Obesity prevention Sexually transmitted diseases COVID 19 Make sure that you select a great tittle for your blog. Suggestions: use words that when read it caught the attention of the community, as an example how to prevent ; how to improve etc. When you start writing your blog make sure the first lines or paragraphs must give the reader a concise and solid idea of what the whole blog will be. If you can catch the reader attention there the probability of success on your blog are very high. You must demonstrate to your instructors and peers that what you are writing about will really impact positively the targeted audience which should be schools, worksites, health care facilities, churches, and communities. Elaborate now in your blog topic and expand your ideas; here you must support each blog with scientific research and scholarly articles. Then conclude your blog with a good summary of your topic, education, interventions, recommendations given.