Intercultural and International Opportunities
s general manager at a large, upscale hotel in the Phoenix area, over the past few winters you have noticed a growing number of European tourists who are visiting the Valley and staying at your facility. A large number of them come for the sunshine and sunshine-related activities, but also enjoy taking day and even overnight trips to Northern Arizona for skiing and other wintertime activities. Part I In 500 words, explain how you would proceed in promoting your facility to the European market to capture more market share and how you plan to gain customer loyalty in the long term. Include how your plan would involve related businesses, and what you would do to include them in growing this segment. Consider that there are businesses in Northern Arizona that may already cater to European tourists at that time of year. What could you market to them to garner some of their business for your operation? Part II Next, in 250 words, identify and explain some of the considerations that must be made in your operation in dealing with an expanding European clientele or clientele from any other country or culture. How do visitors from foreign countries affect day-to-day operations? How does an increasingly foreign guest demographic impact employee recruitment and training? General Requirements Include at least three relevant references in this assignment.